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Center for Research in Sports Administration

Mission Statement

The Center for Research in Sports Administration (CRSA) is a scientific network pursuing the goal to support and coordinate top-level academic research in sports management, sports economics, sports administration and adjacent areas at the University of Zurich.



  1. Fostering top-level academic research at the University of Zurich in sports management, sports economics, sports administration, and adjacent areas.
  2. Coordinating scientific collaboration between researchers at the University of Zurich, researchers at other Universities and research institutions as well as important sports institutions in Switzerland and abroad.
  3. Promoting young researchers
  4. Organizing conferences and seminars 
  5. Facilitating knowledge transfer
  6. Acquiring third-party funds



Within the next years, we will be focusing on these main areas:

1. Research

2. Organizing conferences

3. Acquiring third-party funds

4. Develop lectures and seminars for PhD and/or Master's students