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The Center for Research in Sports Administration (CRSA) is a scientific network pursuing the goal to support and coordinate top level academic research in sports management, sports econmonics, sports administration, and adjacent areas at the University of Zurich.
The CRSA pursues the following objectives:
Professors at the University of Zurich conducting top leve academic research in areas such as sports management, sports economics, sports administration, sports law and further conterming areas may become ordinary members of the CRSA.
Scientists at other Universities or public institutions that are not sponsors of the CRSA, may be accepted as associated members to the CRSA. Associated members are eligible to vote and stand for election in the general assembly, however they cannot be elected to other bodies of the CRSA. In maximum, one third of all members may be associated members.
To appy for membership please hand in your request in written form at the CRSA office. The general assembly takes decisions on memberships.