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This is a selected list of our recent publications. If you are interested in a full list of publications for each member, please visit our members section.
Brandes, U. (2023). A goal-aligned coordinate system for invasion games. Journal of Sports Analytics, (Preprint), 1-11. Read more
Dur, R., Gomez-Gonzalez, C., & Nesseler, C. (2023). How to reduce discrimination? Evidence from a field experiment in amateur soccer. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(1), 175–191. Read more
Fakataulavelua, A., Lang, M., & Moulard, J. (2023). Streaming the Beautiful Game: Exploring Big Tech's Growing Presence in the Soccer Industry. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, 1156601. Read more
Flepp, R., Merz, O., & Franck, E. (2023). When the league table lies: Does outcome bias lead to informationally inefficient markets? Economic Inquiry, 1-16. Read more
Frick, B., Quansah, T. K., & Lang, M. (2023). Talent concentration and competitive imbalance in European soccer. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, 1148122. Read more
Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Dietl, H., Berri, D., & Nesseler, C. (2023). Gender information and perceived quality: An experiment with professional soccer performance. Sport Management Review, 1-22. Read more
Jedelhauser, F., Flepp, R., & Franck, E. (2023). Overshadowed by popularity: The value of second-tier stars in European football. Journal of Sports Economics, 1-29. Read more
Koller, C. (2023). Der FC Hakoah als Integrationsfaktor nach innen und aussen, in FC Hakoah Zürich (ed.): »De Stern ufem Herz, in Züri dihei«: 100 Jahre Vielfalt, Offenheit und Toleranz. Zurich: Chronos, 19-44. Read more
Koller, C. (2023). Fandom, Society and Politics in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, in B. Buarque de Hollanda, T. Busset (eds.): Football Fandom in Europe and Latin America. Culture, Politics, and Violence in the 21st century (= Football Research in an Enlarged Europe, vol. 5). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 127-148. Read more
Koller, C. (2023). Rasensport und Grünflächengestaltung seit dem späten 19. Jahrhundert. Das Beispiel Zürich, in: A. Pühringer, H. T. Gräf (eds.): Grün in der Stadt. Vom Hortus conclusus zum Urban gardening (= Beiträge zur Geschichte der Städte Mitteleuropas, vol. 30). Innsbruck/Vienna: StudienVerlag, 161-189. Read more
Koller, C. (2023). Wankdorf Stadium – A Swiss, German and Bernese 'Lieu de Mémoire', in: D. Bolz, M. Krüger (eds.): A History of Sport in Europe in 100 Objects. Hildesheim: Arete-Verlag, 348-351. Read more
Meier, P.F., Flepp, R., & Franck, E. Replication: Do coaches stick with what barely worked? Evidence of outcome bias in sports. Journal of Economic Psychology, 99. Read more
Moulard, J., Lang, M., & Dermit-Richard, N. (2023). Soft Budget Constraints in French Football through Public Financing of Stadiums. Sustainability, 15(1), Article 1. Read more
Quansah, T. K., Lang, M., & Frick, B. (2023). Racial bias in the stands? Investigating customer-based discrimination in European soccer. Applied Economics, 1-15. Read more
Dietl, H., Orlowski, J., & Wegelin, P. (2022). The importance of high performing team members in complex team work: Results from quasi-experiments in professional team sports. Economic Inquiry, 60(3), 1296–1310. Read more
Jedelhauser, F., Flepp, R., & Franck, E. P. (2022). Overshadowed by Popularity: The Value of Second-Tier Stars in European Football. SSRN Scholarly Paper, No. 4310416. Read more
Koller, C., Peiffer, L., & Wahlig, H. (2022). Selbst beim Deutschen Gruß gabs lebhaften Beifall «: Die schweizerisch-deutschen Fußballbeziehungen der NS-Zeit in der Berichterstattung des» Kicker. Göttingen, 337-349. Read more
Koller, C. (2022). Internationalisierung des Sports. Europäische Geschichte Online (EGO). Read more
Brändle, F., & Koller, C. (2022). The Swiss Connection: Football, Migration, and Kosovar Diaspora Nation-Building. STADION, 46(1), 74–90. Read more
Quansah, T. K., Buraimo, B., & Lang, M. (2022). The Price of Success and Labour in Sports–Evidence from Match-day Ticket Pricing Strategies in the English Premier League. Available at SSRN. Read more
Nobis, T., Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Nesseler, C., & Dietl, H. (2022). (Not) being granted the right to belong—Amateur football clubs in Germany. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 57(7), 1157–1174. Read more
Gomez-Gonzalez, C., del Corral, J., & Rodríguez, P. (2022). The Who and the What of the Journal of Sports Economics – 20th Anniversary Edition. Journal of Sports Economics, 23(6), 637–658. Read more
Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Dietl, H. M., Berri, D., & Nesseler, C. (2021). How Gender Biases Blurred. An Experiment with High-Skilled Soccer Players. An Experiment with High-Skilled Soccer Players (November 1, 2021). Read more
Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Nesseler, C., & Dietl, H. M. (2021). Mapping discrimination in Europe through a field experiment in amateur sport. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), Article 1. Read more
Nesseler, C., Gomez-Gonzalez, C., & Gasparetto, T. (2021). Head coach tenure in college women’s soccer. Do race, gender, and career background matter? Sport in Society, 24(6), 972–989. Read more
Haas, U., & Hessert B. (2021). Sports Regulations on Human Rights Applicability and Self-Commitment. In: Chaussard, David; Fortier, Charles; Jacotot, Cécile. Le sport au carrefour des droits: Mélanges en l'honneur de Gérald Simon. Paris: Payot Librairie, 287-307. Read more
Haas, U., & Hessert, B. (2021). Sanctioning regime in match-fixing cases. Jusletter, online.
Haas, U., & Strub, Y. (2021). Entwicklungen im Sportrecht/Le point sur le droit du sport. Berichtszeitraum November 2019 bis November 2020. Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung, 2021(3):138-143. Read more
Flepp, R., & Franck, E. (2021). The performance effects of wise and unwise managerial dismissals. Economic Inquiry, 59(1), 186-198. Read more
Koller, C., Clastres, P., Debons, D., Pitteloud, J. F., & Quin, G. (2021). La» Deuxième conquête des Alpes «: les activités d’alpinisme des Naturfreunde et des Wandervogel en Suisse dans les premières années du xxe siècle.
Koller, C., & Hess, D. (2021). Körperkultur in Eis und Schnee: Davoser Sportgeschichte 1880-1938.
Koller, C. (2021). Sport und Migration, in: Handbuch der Sportgeschichte Osteuropas. Version: 1. Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies. Text.
Koller, C. (2021). Von der Fabrik auf die Piste: Das Skifahren in sozialistischen Schweizer Freizeitorganisationen (1920er bis 1940er Jahre), in: Thomas Busset/Peter Engel (eds.): Surmonter les frontières à Ski – Grenzen überwinden mit Ski. Neuchâtel: Editions CIES 2021. pp. 187-203.
Koller, C. (2021). Review of: Philippe Vonnard: L'Europe dans le monde du football: Genèse et formation de l'UEFA (1930–1960). Brussels etc. 2018, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte 71 (2021). pp. 388-389.
Meier, P. F., Flepp, R., & Franck, E. (2021). Are sports betting markets semistrong efficient? Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Sport Finance, 16(3), 111-126. Read more
Merz, O., Flepp, R., & Franck, E. (2021). Sonic Thunder vs. Brian the Snail Are people affected by uninformative racehorse names?. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 101724. Read more
Nobis, T., Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Nesseler, C., & Dietl, H. (2021). (Not) being granted the right to belong—Amateur football clubs in Germany. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 10126902211061303. Read more
Özdemir, A., Dietl, H., Rossi, G., & Simmons, R. (2021). Are workers rewarded for inconsistent performance?. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. Read more
Quansah, T., Frick, B., Lang, M., & Maguire, K. (2021). The Importance of Club Revenues for Player Salaries and Transfer Expenses—How Does the Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) Impact the English Premier League?. Sustainability, 13(9), 5154. Read more
Meier, P. F., Flepp, R., & Franck, E. P. (2021). Are Sports Betting Markets Semistrong Efficient? Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. 3676515). Read more
Merz, O., Flepp, R., & Franck, E. P. (2021). Underestimating randomness: Outcome bias in betting exchange markets (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. 3905961). Read more
Bayle, E., Lang, M., & Moret, O. (2020). How professional sports clubs exploit a heterogeneous local potential: The case of Swiss professional ice hockey. Sport in Society, 23(3), 433–451. Read more
Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Dietl, H., & Nesseler, C. (2020). Unbiased decisions among women’s basketball referees. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 3050. Read more
Dietl, H; Gómez-González, C.; Moretti, P; Nesseler, C. (2020) Does persistence pay off? Accessing social activities with a foreign-sounding name, Applied Economic Letters. Read more
Dietl, H., Özdemir, A., Rendall, A. (2020). The role of facial attractiveness in tennis TV-viewership. Sport Management Review. Read more
Flepp, R. and Franck, E. (2020), The Performance Effects Of Wise And Unwise Managerial Dismissals. Economic Inquiry. Read more
Meier, P., Flepp, R., Rüdisser, M. & Franck, E. (2020). Separating psychological momentum from strategic momentum: Evidence from men's professional tennis. Journal of Economic Psychology, 78, 1-10. Read more
Meier, P., Flepp, R., Ruedisser, M., & Franck, E. (2020). The Advantage of Scoring Just Before the Half-Time Break—Pure Myth? Quasi-Experimental Evidence From European Football. Journal of Sports Economics, 21(5), 548–565. Read more
Nesseler, C., Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Dietl, H., & del Corral, J. (2020). Race and Employment: The Historical Case of Head Coaches in College Basketball. Frontiers in Sociology, 5. Read more
Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Gomez-Gonzalez, C., & Sánchez-Santos, J. M. (2020). Popularity and Visibility Appraisals for Computing Olympic Medal Rankings. Social Science Quarterly, 101(5), 2137–2157. Read more
Chen, Y. Orlowski, J. Dietl, H., Zheng, F. (2019). “The Effect of Investment into European Football on the Market Value of Chinese Corporations. International Journal of Sport Finance. Read more
Gómez-González, C.; Dietl, H.; Nesseler, C. (2019). Does performance justify the underrepresentation of women coaches? Evidence from professional women’s soccer, Sports Management Review, 22(5), pp. 640-651. Read more
Gomez-Gonzalez, C., del Corral, J., Jewell, R. T., García-Unanue, J., & Nesseler, C. (2019). A Prospective Analysis of Competitive Balance Levels in Major League Soccer. Review of Industrial Organization, 54(1), 175–190. Read more
Flepp, R., Franck, E. (2019): The role of boards' misperceptions in the relation between managerial turnover and performance: Evidence from European footballRePEc
Koller, C. (2019). Sportgeschichte in der Schweiz: Stand und Perspektiven – Histoire du sport en Suisse: Etat des lieux et perspectives (= Réflexions sportives, Bd. 10). Neuchâtel: Editions CIES 2019. 212 S. (Ed. together with Thomas Busset and Michael Jucker).
Meier, P., Flepp, R., Rüdisser, M., Franck, E. (2019): Investigating the conditions for psychological momentum in the field: Evidence from men’s professional tennis RePEc
Meier, P., Flepp, R., Rüdisser, M., Franck, E. (2019): The advantage of scoring just before the halftime break – pure myth? Quasi-experimental evidence from European footballRePEc
Merz, O., Flepp, R., Franck, E. (2019): Sonic Thunder vs Brian the Snail : Fast-sounding racehorse names and prediction accuracy in betting exchange markets RePEc
Merz, O., Franck, E. (2019): Does sentiment harm market efficiency? An empirical analysis using a betting exchange settingRePEc
Nesseler, C., Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Dietl, H. (2019): What’s in a name? Measuring access to social activities with a field experiments. Palgrave Communications
Haas, U. (2018) Standing of Appeal and Standing to be Sued, in: Bernasconi/Rigozzi (Ed.), International Sport Arbitration, 6th CAS & SAV/FSA Conference Lausanne 2016, Bern, 2018, S. 53–88
Haas, U., Strub, Y. (2018). Entwicklungen im Sportrecht/Le point sur le droit du sport, SJZ 3/2018, S. 64–69.
Haas, U., Trunz, N. (2018). Zulässigkeit polygraphischer Untersuchungen in Straf-, Zivil- und sportrechtlichen Schiedsverfahren, in: Kleiner/Baddeley/Arter (Ed.), Sportrecht, Bd. II, Bern 2018, S. 393–441.
Koller, C. (2018). Neutrality as the Norm? Football and Politics in Switzerland during the First and Second World Wars, in: Herzog, Markwart und Fabian Brändle (Ed.): European Football in World War II. Bern etc.: Peter Lang 2018.
Koller, C. (2018). Réconciliation des nations à travers le sport? Le football et le hockey sur glace suisses et l'essai d'un retour à la normale dans les relations internationales sportives (1919-1926). In Q. Grégory, P. Vonnard, & C. Jaccoud (Ed.), Jouer à l’international: Trajectoires et institutionnalisations des sports en Suisse (1919–1972). Neuchâtel: Editions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses.
Koller, C. (2018). Die Schweiz und der Calcio Danubiano – eine vergessene Verflechtungsgeschichte der Zwischenkriegszeit, in: Krause, Stephan, Christian Lübke und Dirk Suckow (Ed.): Der Osten ist eine Kugel: Fussball in Kultur und Geschichte des östlichen Europa. Göttingen: Werkstatt-Verlag 2018. S. 411-425.
Noth, M., Haas, U. (2018). Kommentierung von R27–R36, R38–R46 des CAS Code of Sports-related Arbitration, in: Arroyo (Ed.), Arbitration in Switzerland – The Practitioner’s Guide, Bd. II, Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2. Aufl. 2018, S. 1433–1485 und 1506–1568