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We are pleased to announce the addition of new research members to the CRSA who will help us advance our interdisciplinary projects.
Dr. Raphael Flepp has been a Senior Research Assistant at the Chair of Strategic Management and Policy at UZH since April 2014.
Prof. Dr. Gunhild Godenzi has been a Full Professor of Criminal and Procedural Law at UZH since September 2016.
Dr. Carlos Gomez Gonzalez has been a Senior Research Assistant at the Chair of Service and Operations Management at UZH since October 2019.
Prof. Dr. Oleg Prokopyev has been a full professor of Quantitative Business Administration at UZH since February 2023.
PD Dr. Kaspar Staub is the Head of the Research Group "Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology" at the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine and a Lecturer in Quantitative Methods at the Institute of History at UZH.